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题目Orchestrating and Improvising Resources in Digital Startups

时间:17 下午 2:00

地点:必威BETWAY官网学术报告厅(南校区信远楼2 327

报告人:徐东溟 教授





徐博士的研究成果发表在国际的主要期刊和会议上。包括有 IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Information and Management, Decision Support Systems, and the Expert Systems with Applications, International Conference on Information Systems, 等等。文章的引用次数超过千次,h-index16. 同时,徐博士还是多个学术期刊的副主编和编委和国际信息系统学年会议的组织者。其担任以下期刊的副主编:Information & Management, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Australasian Journal of Information Systems;亚太地区信息系统学年会的常务理事和2019年年会的议程主席,2018年欧洲年会的IT创新议程主席等。



Digital startup development is an important yet under-researched digital phenomenon in the IS research field. The successful development of digital startups relies on effective leaders’ actions of managing resources in companies. Most of the extant research focuses on resource management in startups operating in moderately dynamic markets where changes are manifested in expected patterns and predictable. Unlike typical startups, digital startups operate in a highly dynamic marketplace where customer needs and technological changes can be uncertain and unpredictable. Our research draws on the theories of resource orchestration and organizational improvisation, we suggest the positive effects of orchestrating and improving actions on achieving a high level of digital startup performance in a highly volatile marketplace. Furthermore, we conclude that orchestrating and improving actions are complementary with each other in contributing to the development of digital startups.


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